Take a LENSbaby!
I'm super excited about these photos. Like genuinely ecstatic even. And to be extremely vulnerable, I even CRIED over these photos while editing. For such a long time, I've been focused on creating 'pretty' photos (or trying to at least) and I never really understood what it was that I was looking for. Eventually I realized that it was emotion and movement in photos that really attracted me, so I sought after that. But with these photos, I finally feel like I've created art. With every photo I feel extremely connected with it and so emotional about all of them. It's so difficult to describe. . .
You see, I'm a stay-at-home mom FIRST. So that means, my number one job is my kids and my family. And for the past 2 months we've been sick, coming up for air a few days here and there. I've been suffocating in my house, dying to go out. For the past 5 years I've been pregnant or breastfeeding and afraid to go on 'too difficult' adventures with my littles. And then we finally did it! We got out of the house and went on a journey that fulfilled me to my core. We crossed rivers, climbed rocks, soaked our shoes, and stood underneath a waterfall!!! To add to that, I walked away with photos that are my absolute favorite of any photos I've ever taken. I hope you love them too.
All photos taken with my 2 day old Lensbaby Edge 50 Optic. Go get one, you need it!
Week 2: Lulumahu Falls Adventure . . .with a follow up sunset swim at our favorite beach, Waikomo's!
She really is one RAD mother!
Robinson + Diop Kids!
Found a puppy at the beach. My kids LOVE dogs!