Consistency vs. Creating work you love
For some people consistency naturally occurs while creating what they love. For others, like myself, consistency starts to feel claustrophobic. It's as if someone is putting me into a tiny box and saying, "if you want to be successful, stay put."
Well it's time to throw caution to the wind and say to hell with consistency and here I come creativity. Sometimes my work is consistent and then . . . I step outside the box and I get scared. So I run back into my little box thinking that if I stay put then people will love my work. But every once in a while this brain of mine reminds me that it's more important to create art that you love and are passionate about. Be excited about what you are doing in every aspect of your life! It doesn't matter if others are excited about it. The question is, ARE YOU? And if you are, then that's all that matters!
So here's to week 1 of my 52 week project: Waikomo's Adventure. It was new years day and I decided to ignore the to do list and the crazy dirty house, and off to the beach we went. The joy on my kids face was totally worth it.
And here's to 51 more weeks of adventures.
Right away when we arrived they started running across the rocks, not wanting to get wet because the water was cold :-)
Before long, they were swimming, throwing sand, and running free. . .
Eventually they found a critter, as all kids do, because let's face it, that's the best part about exploring as a child. Finding brand new creatures and seeing new places. But I have to admit, they managed to find the COOLEST looking hermit crab I have ever seen in person. My 35mm lens didnt do it justice. oh, and dont forget the wrinkly water soaked fingers . . .